A merchant cash advance is a common type of small business credit that many businesses reach for in a time of need. A business can rarely trade without small business loans. Unfortunately, small businesses typically find it hard to secure loans from lenders, even risky unsecured business loans. With a business to run and bills to pay, an MCA is usually the route struggling businesses with poor credit take. It is a loan secured against the future earnings of the business with a promise of quick approvals for a speedy cash injection. Also, it promises to cause no negative effects on credit scores. Merchant cash advance credit can cause huge financial difficulties and this short read will explain why.
How MCA Loans Cause Business Debt
Merchant cash advance collections, as we mentioned, work by collecting money from future business earnings. This happens every day a business earns. A percentage of the earnings is taken from transactions for that day. The issue there being, sales for a small business are never guaranteed to be daily, which in turn creates large merchant cash advance legal issues. Merchant cash advance credit can cause irreversible damage to a companies finance. This leads to businesses needing merchant cash advance relief. As MCA’s are so easy to gain for a business with bad credit or no history, it is often a one-way street to a merchant cash advance default. This happens when the terms of the agreement are broken.
What happens when you default on a merchant cash advance loan?
Legal involvement is always a risk if a business fails to make the required daily payments. You should seek the advice of a merchant cash advance lawyer if your business is in troubled waters due to acquired merchant cash advance services. MCA debt relief is available if you work with the right merchant cash advance attorney.
How Can We Help?
We at MCA Defense Now can help by aiding businesses with MCA debt relief. We know how troubling it can be to wind up in a situation when you would need an MCA restructure. This is a process of restructuring your MCA agreement to make it more affordable. If you are at the mercy of a merchant cash advance default, a restructure of the agreement could bring great merchant cash advance relief for your business. It is important to remember that not every business will qualify for merchant cash advance services, but for those who do, our expert team is available with pearls of wisdom to help your struggling business.
Why You Should Choose Us
MCA Defense Now understands that every situation is unique. We are an elite referral agency that works with some of the best MCA attorneys in NYC. We have years of combined experience dealing with merchant cash advance default issues and problems with unsecured business loans. We have helped thousands of businesses get merchant cash advance relief, leading to financial stability and a business with a glowing future. Times have never been harder for businesses, and financial issues have never been so prominent. That is why our expert team is on hand to help your business.
If you are struggling with merchant cash advance legal issues or issues with unsecured business loans, feel free to reach out to our friendly team to see if you qualify for merchant cash advance services.